Wuchuan Harvard Building Materials Development Co., Ltd.

Wuchuan Harvard Building Materials Development Co., Ltd.
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Used sheet drying equipment Selling

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Used sheet drying equipment Selling
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Shandong Weifang

XDM series of timber dedicated hot air (steam) drying equipment, drying a variety of species, all sizes, various uses of wood, with energy efficient, safe and reliable drying cycle is short, dry, good quality, low cost drying is widely used in large, medium and small wood processing enterprises, especially for wood products export business operating manufacturers. XDM series of timber drying equipment, in normal operation, the fuel combustion in the combustion chamber to produce heat, the thermal drying system is fully absorbed drying medium to produce a temperature of about 170 ° C, under the action of the circulating fan, air temperature by the control system, conveyor system, the hot air supplied to the drying chamber of the drying timber for sale. While the steam generating device on the device, can produce large amounts of the normal pressure steam, according to the requirements of the drying process, the steam into the drying chamber timely, steaming of wood, the humidity transfer, humidity system is an independent steam system, and is equipped with safety devices. Saturated wet steam in a short time the surface of the wood humidity and interior humidity consistent, so as to achieve both internally and externally of wood drying purposes. The solid, thick hard, thick wood, can be intermittent heating and drying process, the solution in the drying process of wood within the crack occurred, the end crack, deformation and other defects in the wood product rate is greatly increased. XDM series of timber drying equipment with a heat acquisition system, enabling full utilization of the drying medium to maximize overcome the hot humid air emissions caused by heat loss. Acquisition of energy utilization, greatly reducing the drying costs, shorten the drying cycle. When the wood moisture content falls below 15%, after 6-8 hours of high-temperature dry steam can be parasitic worms in the timber and all the eggs in addition to all the dead, solved due to the adverse effects arising from the moth, for enterprises to improve the economic benefits.

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