Rainbow Plastic Pigment Co., Ltd. Taizhou Marketplace

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Stainless iron passivation solution

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Stainless iron passivation solution
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stainless iron passivation solution
I. Scope:
a. "stainless iron passivation solution" is mainly applied to facilitate the immersion medium stainless steel parts (workpiece volume less than 3 cubic meter is recommended to use more than 3 m3 or smaller quantities recommended passivation paste)
b. suitable for volume and more, production of large workpieces, more cost-effective.
c. has special requirements must be soaked passivation of the workpiece.
Effect: can effectively improve the corrosion resistance of stainless iron, to extend life of the workpiece.
Suitable material: For all 400 series of low-nickel stainless iron. (1cr13, 2cr13, 3cr13, 4cr13, sus416, 9cr18, sus420, sus430)
Second, the advantages:
1. liquid can be recycled, 1kg life of up to 50 ~ 70 square meters, effectively reducing the liquid waste processing cost savings more.
2. stainless iron passivation solution easier to use, just use the sink to soak at room temperature, greatly reducing the labor intensity. and no specific processing equipment and strict processing conditions.
3. passivation solution is a stable agent, will not break down, no precipitation, convenient transportation, shelf life of three years used with the check.
Third, the use of the area:
1 公斤 surface passivation solution in dealing with the range of 50 to 70 square meters without loss of liquid ingredients.
four Method of use:
1 according to the workpiece position to go to the oil skimmed (+ barreling washing detergent can be used, or Division I, "normal neutral detergent" direct cleaning), the first addition to mechanical polishing pieces of wax (adopt me Division "universal cleaning agent in addition to December"), flushing to ensure a clean surface
2. pickling or activated (can be 3 to 5% sulfuric acid) pickling 3 to 5 minutes (the specific time their control, mainly observed over the workpiece surface not darken pickling), or simply use our production of "stainless iron activation solution" (for workpiece surface is very clean visual intelligence omit this step, do first small batch test)
3. soak into the passivation solution, dope use. Soaking time is 30 minutes or more, the proposed 60 minutes prolonged more excellent corrosion resistance can not exceed 24 hours maximum.
4. Water (water or natural water is unavailable) washing, rinse the surface passivation liquid
5. Finally, chloride ion content of less than 25ppm of water (pure water or water filters) soak rinse 3 minutes.
6. drying.
7. centralized wastewater treatment, add lime or other alkaline neutralization, the ph value close to 7:00 before it is discharged. had no effect on the environment.
Fifth, the effect of treatment:
1. workpiece can be kept clean after the original color does not change the size of the workpiece, to improve the surface quality.
2. improve the corrosion resistance of stainless iron, passive film breakdown potential than untreated can be increased by several hundred millivolts, and through provisions of national unity "blue point method" test, 30 seconds does not appear blue dot.
3. up to 48 anti-fog test to 100 hours under natural conditions 4-6 years no rust.

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