Xi'an Youruisha Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

Xi'an Youruisha Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
Used machine tool equipment
Business Scope:
HAUSER coordinate mill, SIP coordinate boring
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Xi'an EURASIA Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a trading and comprehensive service company focusing on second-hand mechanical and electrical products in European and Asian markets. The company's current product positioning is to import high-end second-hand machine tools from Europe, The company has established long-term cooperative relations with many second-hand machine tool companies in Switzerland, screening all kinds of second-hand equipment and all kinds of high-quality and high-precision equipment urgently needed in the domestic market from the European market, helping domestic enterprises to rapidly upgrade their processing and manufacturing capabilities while reducing equipment procurement costs, and improve the international competitiveness and market share of products....See More Information>>
Xi'an Youruisha Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
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  • Company Name:Xi'an Youruisha Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112