Daqing City, Guan Yu scrap car recycling center

Daqing City, Guan Yu scrap car recycling center
Industrial waste
Business Scope:
Daqing City, Guan Yu scrap car recycling cent
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Daqing City, Guan Yu scrap car recycling center business address is located in the village center Fang Xiao, contacts Xue Shiming, mainly engaged in idle assets swap, scrap car recycling, scrap asset swap, the registered capital of 4 million yuan, 216 emp...See More Information>>
Daqing City, Guan Yu scrap car recycling center
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  • Company Name:Daqing City, Guan Yu scrap car recycling center
  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112