North China Trade City flea logistics center operating households

North China Trade City flea logistics center operating households
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Urgent sale of Japan PF455S type hand transplanter

Info ID:
Urgent sale of Japan PF455S type hand transplanter
telephone or negotiable
Release date:
Wangyou,Higher intergrity.Membership rights
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Product introduction
Equip model:
PF455S type
normal use
Warehouse storage

Main features: 1, hydraulic copying system: Split floating plate and hydraulic copying device, according to the different soil by hydraulic mechanism automatically adjusts to ensure the consistency of planting depth, to ensure stable quality machine inserted, reaching shallow planting, stable, yielding purposes. 2, take seedlings amount adjusting means: Depending on the seeding density and agronomic requirements, take the amount of longitudinal and transverse to take take Miao Miao amount of multi-level adjustment, can provide 0.9-2.4cm22 within 30 quantify the size and shape to meet Meixue up to 1-5 strains agronomic requirements to ensure the quality of work. 3, simulated hand planting: profiling implantation arm, simulated manual operation, not to hurt the vine, not to hurt the seedlings; seedling needle is lightweight chrome, its wear resistance is 2-3 times higher than conventional. 4, the safety clutch device: transplanter job, hit stones and other hard foreign matter, the safety clutch automatic action to stop planting operations, to protect the machine and reduce user costs. The main technical parameters: Dimensions mm 245,148,84.95 structural weight kg 170 Engine model Engine Power kW 2.3/3.60 E130G fuel consumption rate g / (kW.h) 390 rows 4 rows planting planting planting spacing spacing cm 30 cm 13.7 ~ 15.7 planting hole (per 3.3m2) 70 ~ 80 operating efficiency mu / h 2 ~ 3

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