Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Coast Mining Equipment Factory

Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Coast Mining Equipment Factory
Used machine tool equipment
Business Scope:
Supply of second-hand equipment
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Dongning Xunyou (Changzhou) Trading Co., Ltd., with the aim of win-win and mutual benefit, is committed to adjusting equipment for large, medium and small enterprises in China, revitalizing idle state-owned equipment, providing equipment information resources for enterprises, and meeting market supply and demand requirements in time. The company has strong professional technical and management personnel, after several years of efforts, business has expanded to Southeast Asia, Europe and America. With good reputation and technical strength, the company has formed a more standardized market and information network in the same industry. The Ministry of Commerce has applied for filing, and introduced foreign large-scale CNC machinery, ordinary large-scale machinery and high-precision machinery. Connect with Europe and America to form a new equipment information network, expand the new equipment market, and provide high-quality services for domestic and foreign enterprises.? Our company is based on credit, professional service and standard. Welcome customers to inquire Mr. Zhang 13634278111 13857722494?...See More Information>>
Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Coast Mining Equipment Factory
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  • Company Name:Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Coast Mining Equipment Factory
  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112