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Dispose of overstock Jiaxing, Hangzhou, imports of U.S. solar production lines

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Dispose of overstock Jiaxing, Hangzhou, imports of U.S. solar production lines
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Jiaxing | Hangzhou imports of U.S. solar production lines imported how to do inspection record | formalities process

imported second-hand machinery and electronic products inspection record process is as follows:

1: for your device code classification. Then make sure your device regulatory conditions, because some equipment is a national ban on the import of used equipment.
2, confirmed to the Provincial Inspection Bureau for "import of used mechanical and electrical products for the record."
3, prepare application materials, materials complete online reporting.
4, the declaration must be noted: Used equipment specification model must be completed year of production; in the "business case that bar", the complete enterprise application report, such as the length is too long, you must specify the following: corporate basic situation, production, especially the use of the device imports the equipment manufacturing date, age, view the status, such as the production of an earlier date. Must make a special explanation.
5, the mechanical and electrical and electronic products based on import declarations commodity code, comparing the "automatic import license directory", to handle the "automatic import license" or transfer online newspaper, run by the National Electrical for "automatic import license . "
6, in the online show "has been approved", please bring enterprise application forms and stamped original application and the requirements of all written materials to the city office or the National Electrical Electrical and receive documents.

Used electromechanical import general procedures bid
(a) determine the relevant government departments on the second-hand machinery and electronic products management requirements
1. Determine the encoding used mechanical and electrical products. All goods corresponds to only one commodity code, the import and export management department management by commodity code accordingly. Therefore, we must first determine the commodity code in order to check on how to manage the state of the product. May entrust professional bodies such as customs clearance company to query, but also in the annual "Customs Tariff Manual" query.
Note: The commodity code must comply with national requirements correctly determine, shall not use different encoding evade customs duties and national management and supervision, or bear the corresponding legal responsibility!
2. determine the second-hand electrical and mechanical conditions of supervision. Determine the correct commodity code after the query is imported second-hand equipment monitoring condition code. Such as "O" represents the automatic import license, you will need to import and export management department for Electrical and mechanical and electrical products import license used. Such as regulatory conditions are: "A" represents the imported goods, customs formalities, you need to apply for statutory inspection of imports;
3. Determine whether compulsory certification (3C certification). May apply to the commodity inspection authorities or other professional organizations queries. If you do not belong to that directory, you do not need to be authenticated. Otherwise only from certification or authentication.
4. determine the commodity inspection authorities for the record. Rights record of some products in AQSIQ. As belonging to the State Administration of Quality Supervision management products, then record a single contact with the work required to apply for Administration. If you do not belong to the state Bureau, then all to the provincial Exit Inspection and Quarantine, check intended to record the work contact list and registration certificate.

Jiaxing | Hangzhou imports of U.S. solar production lines imported how to do inspection record | formalities process

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