New Plastic Co., Ltd. Shijiazhuang Branch

New Plastic Co., Ltd. Shijiazhuang Branch
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Dealing with transparent photo machine nozzle

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Dealing with transparent photo machine nozzle
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Warehouse storage

life of up to 3000 ml or more

for Novajet600/630/700/750/850 and all domestic thermal foam inkjet printer

All of the products used by the U.S. The new chip, 100% on the machine, the ink is good, long life, ink compatibility, outstanding value for money

1. First after loading the ink discharge fifteen minutes or so, let the ink completely naturally seeped into the nozzle to the second compartment, this method can reduce the most significant phenomenon plug.

2. Nozzle on the machine once the best first suction nozzle to see if there is ink flow, in order to ensure the normal use of the nozzle, used in this process, we must pay attention to the back of the nozzle contacts are clean, without ink within the nozzle ink is sufficient.

3. Electrostatic easy to burn nozzle into the winter dry weather is easy to produce static electricity, note discharge static method is to use a wet towel to wipe the metal part of the machine (except for contacts with) or use a humidifier to increase air humidity.

Clog the main reasons:
a) ink composition is not good. Particles too large.
B) rub ink "printhead maintenance station," the seal is not good, resulting in direct contact with the air nozzle, but also so that the nozzle is not completely blocked ink;
c) is not due to prolonged cleaning nozzle printhead service station caused by or due to long out of the service station. Caused by exposure to the air, regular cleaning nozzles service station, do not clean the nozzle and seal.

4. Plug nozzle approach:
a) within the nozzle discharge ink Appliances and wash with water.
B) nozzle with warm water (50 ℃) soak 2-3 minutes, then add a little air extrusion nozzle, the effluent discharged from the nozzle.
C) ultrasonic cleaning, not more than 15 seconds is appropriate.
D) Return Agents
e) for the ink nozzles appear poor, pay attention to check whether the system is clean ink, ink tubes are tight, high-capacity ink reservoir bottles of ink is higher than 2 inches (increase the ink in order to increase capacity for the ink pressure), or with a suction nozzle ink deprived of excess air in order to increase the degree of vacuum, if other unusual circumstances, please feedback as soon as my company, we can jointly explore.

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  • Technology Support:wangyou
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112