Hedong District of Linyi Yongsheng Electrical equipment swap (Lu tree flag)

Hedong District of Linyi Yongsheng Electrical equipment swap (Lu tree flag)
Used machine tool equipment
Business Scope:
Specializes in buying and selling, dispensing
Taking pictures, the company certificates are uploading,you can visit other parts of my shop
Operating a variety of lathe, planer, milling, grinding, punching, drilling, boring, cutting, hobbing machine, friction press, hydraulic machines and various types of machinery and equipment, chemical equipment, rubber equipment, generator sets and other ...See More Information>>
Hedong District of Linyi Yongsheng Electrical equipment swap (Lu tree flag)
The owner has not released selling information yet, please pay more attention to us!
The owner has not released Demand information yet, please pay more attention to us!
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  • Company Name:Hedong District of Linyi Yongsheng Electrical equipment swap (Lu tree flag)
  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112