IKEA Hong Kong International Decoration Materials Company

IKEA Hong Kong International Decoration Materials Company
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Dispose of overstock artificial stone equipment almost new - half

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Dispose of overstock artificial stone equipment almost new - half
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Wangyou,Higher intergrity.Membership rights
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1. 1000mm double sand frame sanding machine, one Taiwan 29,000.00 yuan 2. 1000mm belt 20 1600.00 yuan 3. Blower removal equipment set 3900.00 yuan 4 large blenders a 40 13000.00 yuan 5. Vacuum A 8900.00 yuan mixer 6. vacuum box forming machine one Taiwan 13,500.00 yuan 7. drum lines a 8000.00 yuan 8. thermostat a 2000.00 yuan 9. artificial stone granulating machine, one Taiwan 4800.00 yuan 10. Vibration bed two sets 3600.00 yuan 11. color tablets sieve 7 280.00 yuan 12. workbench shelf 6 1200.00 yuan 13. grinder 4 4300.00 yuan 14 Hand mill 6 units 810.00 yuan 15. Die tote cart 4 1200.00 yuan 16. artificial stone mold 10 24000.00 yuan 17 Sinks molds 5 sets 9000.00 yuan 18. banisters 14,400.00 yuan 19 sets of mold 6. steam pump two sets 910.00 yuan 20. Gun 2 210.00 yuan 21. cutting machine two sets 280.00 yuan 22. Edgers one 130.00 yuan 23. welding a 180.00 yuan 24. electronics, said two sets 480.00 yuan Total: 140,000.00 yuan due to factory production equipment upgrades, the overall transfer transfer equipment, including installation, package technology package of qualified products.

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