Longkou City, Zhu Chen Jia Asian steel welded by the mill

Longkou City, Zhu Chen Jia Asian steel welded by the mill
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Selling artificial stone curing machinery for large aluminum heat Selling plates

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Selling artificial stone curing machinery for large aluminum heat Selling plates
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Longkou Chen Jia Asia welded steel mill located in the beautiful scenery and convenient transportation of the town of Longkou Yang Lan Yang ditch camp. Is a professional production of industrial, household electric heater equipment and related products of large enterprises.

The main products are: electric heating plate, welded plate and cast aluminum electric heating products (aluminum thermal plate, 2 m * 3 m) electric heater core air heaters, separators electricity heaters, electric heating tanks fiberglass, silicone rubber heaters, silicone rubber heaters, cartridge heater, crude oil, fuel oil heaters, steam heaters, explosion-proof electric heated water tank, reactor far infrared electric heater, etc. for air heating, water heating, oil heating, can be used in rubber, plastics, small appliances and other industrial products sold throughout the provinces, and was the choice of many national key projects, some models exported to Southeast Asia, has won domestic and international users a good reputation. If your plant requires various types of hot plates, please contact with us (including a variety of welding accessories, various types of sealants), we will discount the price directly to our customers.

In recent years, through continuous investment to accelerate the development of a multi-species, multi-standard products to meet market demand. "Full open, multi-level development, relying on scientific and technological progress, dare ultra international advanced level" is the enterprise development strategy, "plant science and technology, innovation; solidarity, integrity of the world" is our entrepreneurial spirit.

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  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112