Dongguan City, Guang Yi Rong mold steel distribution

Dongguan City, Guang Yi Rong mold steel distribution
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Tungsten steel Supply of YG25 YG28 YT14.YT15

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Tungsten steel Supply of YG25 YG28 YT14.YT15
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Rong Guang Yi Company in order to meet the special needs of the market, especially for the electronics industry, precision progressive die, metal pressure die, powder molding, standard pieces of cold heading dies, tube drawing die different needs, especially from the United States, Germany, Sweden, Japan, the introduction of tungsten steel ( Carbide ) products are: wear series, wear resistance, impact resistance series, non-magnetic series, high temperature series, fine series, more than 50 varieties. Shape of standard parts and a variety of non-standard items include: round, circle, square, conductive blocks long, long rod and other shaped pieces and grinding rods. All materials are red through HIP treatment to remove the internal porous microstructure, and increase and improve the flexural strength and other mechanical properties of alloys, so that the quality is fully ensured.
Yi Rong Guang company's expertise in the field of metallurgy, both the creation and support of advanced technology, dedicated customer support the spirit of progress, and the knowledge to maintain high degree of sensitivity, real-time to receive and update, as well as tungsten steel full understanding, continuous introduction of new products and keep pace with market developments.
U.S. Kennametal tungsten steel: CD-750, CD-636, CD30, CD35, CD-K3135, CD-36
CD-KR855, CD337, CD-3190, CD-KR824, CD-KR466, CD-18, CD-40, CD-50, CD-D3150, CD-650, CD-60, CD-EDM650 CD -EDM650 + HIP
CD-KR887, CD-70 < / strong>
< strong> Details
Japanese tungsten steel: AF1, F08, G55 KH03 , KH05, A1, G3, V10, V20, V30, V40, Z01, Z10, Z20 Z30 chemical composition
tungsten steel grades were: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S25, M1, M2, H3, H2, H1, G1 G2 G5 G6 G7 D30 D40 K05 K10 K20 YG3X YG3 YG4C YG6 YG8 YG9 YG12 YL10.2 YL60 YG15 YG20 YG25 YG28 YT5 YT14 YT15 P10 P20 M10 M20 M30 M40 V10 V20 V30 V40 Z01 Z10 Z20 Z30 CD650 CD636 CD337 CD750

standard have a lot of inventory, stock, < / font> material proof

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  • Company Name:Dongguan City, Guang Yi Rong mold steel distribution
  • Technology Support:wangyou
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112